Monday, January 16, 2012

how saplings respond to water

Even while Oqui Kator is being prepared for a large-scale irrigation system composed of 1,750 feet of pipe, a 25 foot well, and a gas-powered water pump, La Rose Cocoa Farms is still getting water to the eight acres of cocoa seedlings in Guaman-Odumase. We are accomplishing this by hand-fetching barrels of water and using watering cans and knapsacks to deliver about 1 liter of water to each seedling (all 3,500) every 4 days.

Here is some evidence of the positive impacts that the watering is having on the cocoa seedlings:

Image 1: A cocoa seedling that has generated new growth since watering started two weeks ago (yet almost two months into the dry season).

Image 2: This doesn't look like much, but it is a veritable Lazarus in the scheme of the cocoa farm. This was just a dry twig in the ground two weeks ago, but is now spurting new growth from the base.

P.S: I realize that I haven't done community profiles yet, and that many of the activities described here would be more meaningful with an idea of the communities in which they took place. I'll work on those early next week.

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